
via Amy L. Cummins

While I was in Mexico, I had nothing but time. Time to sleep in, time to lounge, time to sit back with a drink in hand and think about Life. And that’s exactly what I did. I thought.

I thought about heading home after vacation and falling right back into the daily grind. Cleaning, cooking, changing diapers, chasing dogs, and struggling to maintain some sense of peace as the chaos keeps building and building.

So I made a promise to myself upon my return that I would declutter. I would let go of all that baggage that was – IS – weighing me down, physically and spiritually. I will finally tackle the guest room that has also become my home office / storage for miscellaneous items. I will clean out my closet and toss anything that doesn’t fit my body or state of mind. I will organize the pantry. I will restart my daily journaling. I will set aside time to decompress. I will revive old friendships. I will rediscover love. And I will build my confidence up by tearing preconceived misconceptions and anxieties down.

Picking Peonies  via James Fitzgerald III

via Flickr

Because Life is too short to hold on to all that negative energy – in the end, that is exactly what holds you back. The fears, the insecurities, the excuses. They eat away at your better self and breed more fear, insecurity, and excuses. A vicious cycle. So why not stop it?

Instead of harping on the weight of the world, find ways to relieve it. Let go of that negative energy. Perhaps that means liberating yourself from a bad relationship. Or finally dropping that last 15 lbs. Or maybe it simply means cleaning out your garage. Start small if you must. Organize your spice rack, then move on to your bookshelves, then tackle your closet. Toss or donate anything that is too tight / too big / too short / too whatever and keep only those pieces that make you feel good, damn good, and wear them frequently. Perhaps then you will find the energy and gain the confidence to hit the gym. As your body grows stronger, so will your confidence, and perhaps then, and only then, will you find the strength to leave behind a toxic relationship. Keep the end goal in mind, and take as many steps as you need to get there.

 White Free People Dress

via Frank Vinyl

It only makes sense that the less negativity we hold on to, the less negative we will feel, right? So I created what I like to call the Declutter Checklist as a kind of big picture affirmation that I am responsible for my own happiness. It’s not your typical to-do, check off as you go kind of list, but a reminder to eliminate the negativity and chaos by creating and embracing positivity.


And finally, if you need a little more positive motivation, head on over to this lovely and newly discovered blog: Amy L. Cummins. Or, if you prefer to just sit and contemplate Life, you may want to have this little treat in hand while you do so.

Happy Friday!



YOU ARE A BADASS (or so I keep telling myself)

A Battle Won (+ some link love)

This week has felt like an eternity. I’ve been attempting to sleep train my Little and my God, it is hard. Sleepless nights have melded into each other and as this deficit continues to grow, I just have to keep chugging along, trying to make it work. But the worst part is seeing him struggle. It hurts my heart to hear him cry, to see that look of desperation in his eyes. I know he’s tired, I know he doesn’t fully understand how to soothe himself back to sleep, but he is so curious and just wants mommy to pick him up so he can feel her warmth and observe the world around him.

Naptime w Watermark

For the first time, he slept last night for a long stretch of time in his very own crib, in his very own room. It was a long fought battle that we won that night, but all the while, I yearned to have my baby next to me. They grow up so quickly, don’t they? I know it’s healthy for him to discover his independence, but I’m already missing the sound of him stirring next to me. Ah, motherhood is full of so many juxtapositions!

Sleeping Babe w Watermark

Feels like such a lifetime ago!


Obviously, I’m feeling a little reminiscent and whimsical these days as that little guy you see above becomes more and more determined to do things on his own. So I thought I’d share a few links that struck a chord with me this week:

  • Mary Beth always has such a sweet way with words. No one is meant to do life alone – we should all be willing to encourage each other, help each other, and accept help from others.
  • I love Joanna’s honesty. Motherhood is hard and it seems like a lot of moms out there want to hide that aspect of it, as if feeling bad meant you were a bad mother. But feeling bad happens, that’s Life, and it’s OK. It’s how you pick yourself back up that matters.
  • Hug it out, folks!
  • If you ever needed an excuse to think positively, this is it…
  • …and here are 50 ways to help you get there.

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Adding More ING (+ having an honest moment).

As a mother to a 5 month old (I can’t believe he is already 5 months!), I sometimes find myself busy and bored all within the same moment. I am constantly doing something – whether it is playing with G, cleaning up after G, cleaning up/yelling after 1 or all of my 3 furry critters, cleaning house/doing laundry/prepping dinner/writing like a mad woman, etc. all while little G sleeps for 20 minutes – but DOING doesn’t always mean LIVING and I definitely struggle with this aspect.

Not that I don’t enjoy some of these things some of the time – I love playing with Greyson and I treasure the brief moments I have to write – but by the time I actually have the opportunity to go out and enjoy the day, I am utterly exhausted, mentally and physically (Little Dude is most definitely going through some kind of sleep regression!). Just the thought of putting away the dogs, packing him up, and transferring him to the car becomes daunting.

Of course, when I do find the motivation to shake off my exhaustion and seize the day, fabulous memories are created. And these are the memories that get me through the hard, monotonous days (and sleepless nights).


I recently read a book called Add More ING to Your Life (recently being my pre-baby days), and I’ve come to realize that this is a concept I should apply to my struggles. The fabulous memories I create when I do choose to seize the day are exactly what give me the motivation to create more.

Add More Ing to Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness

You can purchase the book here.

The more experiences you have, the happier you will be. OR, a body in motion stays in motion.

That, my friends, is the ING concept: to get moving. To experience, to create, to explore. To do things that inspire you to do more.


So, going forward, that is what I hope to do. When I’m feeling exhausted or a little down in the dumps, I plan to start moving, experiencing, exploring, laughing, creating, writing and actually LIVING, despite my exhaustion or negativity.

Will you join me?

Because we’ve all been there at some point in our lives, and many of us are still there: in a rut. So why not give each other that extra push and motivation to climb out?

To hold myself accountable, and perhaps help you do the same, I’ll be making this a weekly series, offering some positive thinking and giving you a rundown of how I added a little ING to my week. I would love to here your thoughts, comments, suggestions, positive affirmations, motivations, and ways in which you added your own ING.

Now let’s get MOVING!